Reishi mushroom Phytolinchi extract fito adaptogen

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Reishi mushroom Phytolinchi extract fito adaptogen
Good manufacturing practice - quality standard for pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, etc.
Strengthens immunity, increases resistance of the body
Thins the blood
Accelerates recovery

The miraculous properties of the mushroom Lin Chi (reishi) or Ganoderma lucidum (lat.) have been known in the East since time immemorial. More than 2,000 years ago, in the "Sacred Book of Miraculous Medicinal Plants" (China), the Lin Chi mushroom was named "the best among the 365 most valuable medicinal plants of the East", surpassing the value of ginseng. Philosopher of the 1st century AD. Wang Chang praised it as a plant that increases spiritual abilities and cures bodily ailments.

The American scientist of the 20th century, the well-known expert of oriental phytotherapy, Terry Willard, calls this mushroom "a plant of spiritual potency and wonder of doctors." In Japan, Lin Chi is included in the official list of anticancer drugs.

In nature, there are 6 varieties of the Lin Chi mushroom, of which the red Lin Chi mushroom, which was grown here in Vietnam, has the greatest value and therapeutic activity, which is part of this herbal preparation.

The main active substance is Lin Chi mushroom or ganoderma. Lin Chi dry mushroom contains 2.54% polysaccharides, 5% lipids, 17.11% proteins and 62.63% fiber, there are 0.3% saponins, 1.15% steroids, and a large number of trace elements. Many therapeutic effects of ganoderma are associated with the presence of polysaccharides that provide antitumor activity. The effectiveness of the prevention and treatment of oncological diseases using ganoderma preparations has been proven.

In addition, the Lin Chi mushroom restores impaired immunity, lowers high blood pressure, strengthens the heart muscle and liver, protects against thrombosis, serves as a trap for free radicals and prevents the development of atherosclerosis, increases the ability of body tissues to absorb oxygen and protects against ionizing radiation, helps patients for diabetes, has an anti-allergic effect, improves the work of endocrine glands, has a calming effect.

The degree of restoration of the damaged immune system, including in the case of AIDS, and antitumor activity depend on the duration of treatment using Lin Chi.

The use of Lin Chi in the clinic of cardiovascular diseases is associated with the ability of triterpene ganoderic acid to reduce the level of substances that contribute to the formation of excessive cholesterol in the blood in people at risk, while this effect is more significant, the higher the level of hypercholesterolemia. Extracts of this plant improve the contractility of the myocardium while reducing the need for oxygen.

Lin Chi has a calming effect on the central nervous system, reduces stress, has hypotensive and adaptogenic effects.

Lin Chi exhibits hepatoprotective properties, promoting the regeneration of liver cells and preventing their necrosis.

The plant affects the blood coagulation system, suppressing the aggregation of platelets, which is associated with the presence of a large amount of adenosine in the fruiting body. The pain-relieving effect of the mushroom is also associated with adenosine. Lin Chi is used as an anti-diabetic adjunct; it enhances and prolongs the action of insulin.

Dyagel is used as a tonic for reduced intellectual potential, improves hematopoiesis, soothes panic anxiety, neurasthenia and insomnia. The plant has the ability to reduce high blood pressure, has a diuretic effect.

Longan is used as a component with tonic, antidepressant properties.

Gorets rejuvenates the body, improves hematopoiesis, improves hair growth, prevents the formation of early gray hair, gives the extract a sweet taste, has hypoglycemic, cardiotonic and antimicrobial effects.

Composition: Lin Chi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum), roots of Radices Poligoni multiflori, roots of Chinese angelica (Radices Angelicae sinensis), fruits of Longan (Fructus Euphoriae longan), water-alcohol base.

Packaging: 250 ml

In traditional Eastern medicine, the classic formulation of PHYTOLINCHI is used:

  • to increase work capacity, strengthen immunity, improve intellectual activity;
  • as an additional tool in a complex of measures to restore the cardiovascular system (contributes to the normalization of blood pressure, lowering cholesterol levels, preventing thrombus formation);
  • to stabilize the functions of the nervous system and harmonize sleep;
  • to support and protect the liver, gall bladder, pancreas; helps to improve the functions of hepatocytes, indicated in the rehabilitation period after hepatitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis;
  • as a drug with an anti-allergic effect, including chronic bronchitis with an asthmatic component, food allergies;
  • for the prevention of neoplasms and in the presence of high doses of ionizing radiation;
  • with regular long-term use, it rejuvenates and improves skin turgor, slows down the aging process and prolongs life.
  • as a tonic and stimulant - for exhausting colds, after severe injuries, surgical interventions;
  • having adaptogenic properties, the drug is recommended for use by people living in environmentally unfavorable areas.

How to use: 15 ml 3 times a day. The course is 1 month. The course can be repeated 2-3 times a year.

Contraindications: it is not recommended for children, pregnant women, women during lactation and with individual sensitivity to the components of the product.

The product is made according to a traditional recipe with our own extraction of biologically active substances from medicinal plants under the conditions of the global quality standard, which applies to the production of pharmaceutical products GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice). This guarantees stable efficiency, high quality and safety.

The supplement is dietary. It is not a medicine. Do not exceed the specified recommended amount for daily consumption. The dietary supplement should not be used as a substitute for a complete diet.


Manufacturer: FITO PHARMA pharmaceutical factory, Vietnam.

Distributor: PP "Viktoria", Ukraine, Kyiv, str. Magnitogorska 1E, +38 044 502 60 36, +38 067 324 84 64.

Pharmacist-consultant, manager of work with doctors: +38 097 256 00 81

Certification: GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice).




The purpose of the conducted clinical study was to evaluate the effectiveness and harmlessness of the drug "Lin Chi" and to study its effect on the functional state and the course of diseases in people with hepatobiliary pathology in complex therapy.

36 patients aged 21 to 64 who suffered from biliary dyskinesia, chronic cholecystitis, and hepatitis took part in the study. The average duration of the disease was 10.2 years (from 1 to 13 years). In 13 out of 36 patients (29%), diseases of the hepatobiliary system were detected for the first time, in the remaining 23 (71%) relapses and complications of the main disease were observed. In the studied group, the following were observed: chronic hepatitis - 8 cases; chronic cholecystitis - 10 cases; chronic pancreatitis - 9 cases, chronic cholecystocholangitis - 8 cases, Gilbert's disease - 1.

The control group consisted of 22 men with hepatobiliary pathology in whom the drug "Lin Chi" was not used in addition to the main therapy.

The obtained results made it possible to establish that the use of the drug "Lin Chi" in addition to basic therapy leads to significant positive changes, both in the course of the disease, and reduces the rate of bed-days in hospital conditions in patients with the following diagnoses: exacerbation of chronic calculous and non-calculous cholecystitis , which occurred against the background of mixed dyskinesia of the gallbladder and bile duct sphincters, as well as in persons who underwent cholecystectomy due to gallstone disease and chronic hepatitis. With chronic persistent hepatitis, the bed-day decreased by 4.2 days.

One of the criteria for the effectiveness of treatment with the drug "Lin Chi" was the time of disappearance of clinical symptoms of the main disease and dyspeptic syndrome. Before treatment, 29 patients had weakness, irritability, 27 patients had abdominal distension, 27 patients had belching, 25 patients had pain in the epigastrium and right hypochondrium, 23 patients had heaviness in the right hypochondrium and impaired appetite (absence). , 22 patients had sleep disturbances, 19 patients had constipation.

In patients who, in addition to basic therapy, received "Lin Chi" drugs, clinical symptoms began to disappear gradually within 3 to 7 days, only 4% of cases had constipation, 10% - appetite disturbances, 20% and 25% - disturbances sleep and irritability, however, these symptoms were observed in individuals in whom concomitant pathology such as neurocirculatory dystonia or hypertension was detected.

The main criterion for the effectiveness of treatment was such general clinical symptoms as: normalization of body temperature, normalization of appetite, reduction of pain syndrome, disappearance of skin reactions (itching, rashes), increase of daily diuresis, normalization of blood formula (ESR, number of leukocytes) and biochemical indicators.

The use of "Lin Chi" did not cause significant changes in the indicators of the general blood test, which can be considered as the absence of a negative effect of the drug and its side or toxic effects. It should be noted that when the drug "Lin Chi" was prescribed, a decrease in ESR was noted - by 33% compared to 23% - in people who took only basic therapy. The decrease in the number of leukocytes under the condition of using "Lin Chi" turned out to be statistically reliable. Laboratory and clinical indicators indicate the disappearance of the general inflammatory process, the phenomena of intoxication, as well as an increase in the detoxification function of the liver and improvement of metabolic processes. Normalization of biochemical indicators (ALT, AST) indicates improvement of metabolic processes in the liver at the level of hepatocytes.

The normalization of the functional state of the gallbladder and the sphincter apparatus of the biliary tract is evidenced by instrumental studies conducted with the help of ultrasound diagnostics (US). Thus, with hypotonic-hypokinetic dyskinesia, the gallbladder decreased from 94 + 7.3 cm to 52 ± 4.5 cm3, and with hypertonic-hyperkinetic dyskinesia, it increased from 30 ± 2.1 cm3 to 47 ± 3.2 cm, which the positive dynamics of indicators of the physical and biochemical properties of bile (bile acids, cholesterol, cholate-cholesterol ratio, specific gravity and results of microscopy) are also evidenced.

Analyzing the dynamics of the main indicators of the immune system in patients with chronic hepatobiliary pathology, it should be noted that a decrease in immune reactivity and immune reactions was observed during exacerbation of chronic hepatobiliary pathology (chronic cholecystitis, hepatitis), which is confirmed by such biochemical indicators as ALT, AST. An increase in indicators: T-lymphocytes, T-active, E-ROC implies activation of the thymus-dependent chain of the immune system. This indicates the subsidence of the acute inflammatory process and restoration of immune protection.

For patients with dyspeptic syndrome, the prescription of "Lin Chi" drugs requires a differentiated approach, due to the presence of a small amount of bitters and sugars in the extract.


Thus, our observations indicate that "Lin Chi" is a modern drug that has a cholespasmolytic, cholekinetic effect, has a positive effect on metabolic processes, increases detoxification properties, normalizes homeostasis, reduces cholesterol, and increases the content of bile acids in bile.

"Lin Chi" has pronounced immunomodulating, adaptogenic, hypotensive and hepatoprotective effects. "Lin Chi" is also characterized by anti-allergic and antioxidant effects. Ganoderma Lucidum contained in "Lin Chi" preparations is an effective radioprotector, well tolerated by patients with pancreatohepatobiliary pathology and has no side effects. The drug "Lin Chi" is compatible with traditional medical remedies, accelerates the recovery process and is recommended for the normalization of metabolic processes in the liver, indicated in the rehabilitation period after hepatitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, operations on the liver and pancreas.

08 November 2023
Один мій знайомий весь час про Фітолінчі настойку говорив, і я вирішила придбати у вашому магазині на (В. Вал 50)
Результат чудовий, добавляю в каву кожного ранку і маю гарний настрій на цілий день 😊😊😊
Рекомендую, для тих хто швидко втомлюється на роботі🤗
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Reishi mushroom Phytolinchi extract fito adaptogen

Buy reishi mushroom Fitolinchi, adaptogen, to strengthen immunity, radioprotector in Kyiv in the store of healthy and organic products Natur Boutique. Phytopreparations of oriental medicine, apiproducts, vitamins, nutritional supplements, essential oils, natural cosmetics, vitamins.