Baby Vit fito syrup vitamins for children
It is useful for children as a health remedy: it strengthens the immune system, increases appetite, improves sleep, serves as the prevention of helminthic invasion, promotes normal physical and mental development.
BABY WIT is an oriental formula created to strengthen the health and normal physical and mental development of a child. The extract stabilizes the state of the digestive and nervous systems of the child's body, increases the body's defenses, and is a means of preventing various diseases.
The multiplicity of therapeutic and prophylactic effects is provided by a composition of 11 unique oriental fruits and plants.
BABY VIT is a complex of essential natural vitamins and microelements that provides a child with good health, harmonious development, and good appetite.
An important property of BABI VIT is anthelmintic, therefore the phytocomposition is used for prophylaxis and as an adjuvant in the treatment of children's helminthiasis.
BABY VIT extract does not contain artificial additives, dyes and flavors, it is absolutely non-toxic, therefore it can be used for a long time.
BABY VIT contains a rich complex of active ingredients from plants: essential amino acids, vitamins, trace elements, organic acids, proteins, essential and fatty oils, flavonoids, etc.
The composition helps to normalize digestion, improve bowel function (eliminates bloating, indigestion, diarrhea), increases food absorption and absorption of nutrients. BABY VIT has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system (normalizes the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex), eliminates excessive nervous excitability, anxiety, strengthens memory, improves sleep and, by toning the spleen, increases the amount of hemoglobin in the blood.
The root of Codonopsis is a tonic and immunomodulatory plant known in the East, used for asthenia, overwork, anemia.
Astragalus root helps to improve the processes of hematopoiesis, increases resistance to colds, and has a sedative effect. Relieves the feeling of irritability and nervous excitability, increases the supply of oxygen to tissues and organs, contains a unique complex of antioxidants: tocopherol and selenium, necessary for normal muscle activity (dystrophy, asthenia).
Atraktylodes is used as a tonic, improves digestion.
Mandarin peel is an antibacterial agent, it is also used for intestinal bloating, normalizes intestinal motility, is a natural source of vitamin C and trace elements.
The seeds of Barley and the fruits of the Doumer Apple tree increase appetite, improve digestion and blood formation, relieve pain in the gastrointestinal tract, and reduce the symptoms of indigestion of meat and "heavy" food.
The seeds of Quisqualis and the seeds of the ripe fruits of the Areca palm have been used as an anthelmintic for thousands of years. The anthelmintic effect is due to the blockage of the nerve ganglia and nerve fibers of the parasites, which leads to the subsequent paralysis of their smooth muscles.
Coix seeds have a sedative, diuretic, anti-inflammatory effect, improve mental performance, and increase the speed of perception of new information in children.
Poria mushroom is an antineoplastic, diuretic and sedative known in the East.
Licorice root is a plant-activator of biologically active substances of other plants, exhibits antiallergic effect. Known remedy for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, stomach and intestines, stimulates the general resistance of the body.
Ingredients: Codonopsis roots (radices Codonopsis pilosulae), seeds of the Areca palm tree (semen Arecae), rhizome Atractylodes (rhizoma Atractylodes), Poria mushroom (Poria Cocos), sprouted barley seeds (fructus Hordei germinatus), Coix seeds (fruits Coiclonis) (fructus Mali), Astragalus roots (radices Asparagi), Licorice roots (radices Glycyrrhizae), Mandarin peel (pericarpium Citri reticulatae perenne), Quisqualis seeds (semen Quisqualis), auxiliary substances (purified water, sugar, sodium benzoate).
Packaging: 200 ml
In traditional oriental medicine, the classic BABI VIT recipe is recommended:
- to increase immunity, especially in the winter-spring period;
- as a means of promoting the physical and mental development of the child (strengthens memory);
- as a means that has a beneficial effect on the work of the nervous system (normalizes the processes of excitation and inhibition, relieves increased excitability, anxiety, tearfulness, improves sleep);
- to normalize digestion, improve appetite and absorption of nutrients;
- as a means of preventing dysbiosis;
- as an absolutely non-toxic means of preventing helminthic invasion;
- to tone the spleen and increase the amount of hemoglobin in the blood.
Method of application: children 1-3 years old - 1 coffee spoon (3 ml) 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals or an hour and a half after meals; children 3-7 years old - 1 teaspoon (5 ml) 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals or an hour and a half after meals; children 7-15 years old - 1 tablespoon (15 ml) 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals or an hour and a half after meals. Reception course: 20-30 days.
Dietary supplement. It is not a drug.
Recommended to combine with:
- with herbal tea ARTISHOK to enhance the effect in the treatment of allergic manifestations (diathesis), dysbiosis and gastrointestinal dysfunctions;
- with SPIRULIN capsules to improve the resistance of the child's body;
- with any anti-cold remedies for the speedy recovery of the child;
- with capsules FITOCAROTIN for replenishing vitamin and mineral deficiencies
- BABY VIT is highly recommended for the restoration of intestinal microflora and removal of side effects after antibiotic therapy
- Side effect: individual intolerance.
Manufacturer: pharmaceutical factory FITO PHARMA, Vietnam.
Distributor: Private Enterprise "Victoria", Ukraine, Kiev, st. Magnitogorskaya 1E, +38 044 502 60 36, +38 067 324 84 64.
Pharmacist-consultant, manager of work with doctors: +38 097 256 00 81
Certification: GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice).
Scientific Center of Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in a hospital setting on the basis of the Department of Functional Diagnostics of the SCCH RAMS. Moscow. 2003 year.
prof. A.A. Baranov, MD J.Yu. Gorelova
The plant extract "Baby Vit" was received by 18 children, aged 6 to 16 years, constituting a risk group for the development of pathological conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, mainly of a functional nature, with a diagnosis of biliary dyskinesia, with clinical signs of polyhypovitaminosis (lethargy, rapid fatigue, dry skin, brittle nails, seizures), with a history of respiratory diseases with prolonged subfebrile condition.
The control group consisted of children (10 people) of the same age with similar data in the anamnesis. The study involved 28 children. Children did not receive any other dietary supplements during the study.
Plant extract "Baby Vit" was prescribed to children daily, against the background of symptomatic treatment, as part of the main diet, 5-10 ml, depending on the age of the child, 3 times a day. The observation period was 28-30 days.
To assess the effectiveness of the product, the following clinical criteria were used in dynamics: assessment of the general condition (appetite, temperature, psycho-emotional status); dynamics of the main clinical symptoms; plant extract tolerance; possible side reactions (condition of the gastrointestinal tract, skin, mucous membranes); organoleptic perception (attitude to the product); ease of use of this form of BDC; laboratory tests: general blood test, general urine analysis, concentration of the main classes of immunoglobulins G, A, M in blood serum.
Tolerability and clinical efficacy of the product.
There was no refusal of treatment during the observation period (the attitude of children to the product is satisfactory in 70% of cases, good - 20%, the taste is not pleasant - 10% of children).
Adverse reactions in the form of allergic rashes or edema, the appearance or intensification of dyspeptic disorders: vomiting, belching, flatulence, loose stools, loss of appetite were not observed in any case.
According to laboratory analysis, by the end of the intake of the product, there was a tendency to an increase in the level of hemoglobin and the content of erythrocytes in peripheral blood.
In the indicators of humoral immunity after taking the product, there was a tendency to an increase in immunoglobulin M and a tendency to normalize the initially increased (before intake) indicators of humoral immunity, which is explained as a favorable prognostic sign and may occur due to the immunocorrective properties of the product.
The study of urine in children of the main group before and after treatment, according to the average indicators, corresponded to age norms.
Conclusion:The results of the analysis of the properties, chemical composition and clinical and laboratory parameters of the baby Vit plant extract indicate that it is well tolerated by children and can be used in complex treatment and diet therapy in order to increase the body's resistance in frequently ill children, prevent and treat micronutrient and vitamin deficiencies. , anemia, as well as in the complex of recreational activities for children aged 6 to 16 years.
The obtained results of clinical observation and laboratory studies of peripheral blood, humoral immunity showed the presence of the effectiveness of the product and confirmed its biological value.
department of early age of the children's city clinical hospital №1 in Poltava, on the clinical base of the department of faculty pediatrics and the course of phytotherapy of the Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy. year 2001. Scientific supervisor of clinical approbation, head. phytotherapy course professor Loiko V.V., head. Department of Faculty Pediatrics, Dr. med. n. Traverse G.M., head. department of early childhood Ananevich E.I..
The influence of the plant extract "Baby Vit" on the health of young children with acute respiratory viral infections against the background of allergic dermatitis, acetone syndrome, obstructive syndrome, obstructive bronchitis was studied. Under the supervision were 82 children aged 1 to 4 years for 1.5 months, who were treated inpatiently in the department of early childhood. Research results have shown that Baby Vit plant extract promotes faster recovery in complex treatment, restores intestinal microflora, improves red blood counts and does not have allergic reactions.
From the moment of admission to the hospital, children received conventional therapy: antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action in dosages corresponding to age, antipyretic drugs and immunosubstitution therapy (interferon, laferon).
According to indications, depending on the concomitant pathology, the children additionally received symptomatic therapy: expectorant drugs, bronchodilators, enzymatic drugs. Children of the main group, in addition to the above treatment, from the first day of hospitalization received the plant extract "Baby Vit", according to the instructions. The children of the control group were treated without Baby Vit.
When assessing the condition of children, the following was taken into account:
№ p/p |
Indications |
The main group of children (accepting Baby Vit) |
Control group of children (not taking Baby Vit) |
1. |
Bed-days |
8,17 ± 2,97 |
8,72 ± 2,14 |
2. |
Decrease in body temperature (day) |
1,9 ± 0,65 |
2,6 ± 1,71 |
3. |
Reduction of the phenomena of intoxication (day) |
2,36 ± 0,69 |
4,52 ± 0,72 |
4. |
Reduction of catarrhal symptoms (day) |
2,31 ± 0,76 |
3,57 ± 0,83 |
5. |
Erythrocytes |
Before treatment 3,63 ± 0,37 |
After treatment 3,96 ± 0,36 |
Before treatment 3,72 ± 0,34 |
After treatment 3,83 ± 0,35 |
6. |
Hemoglobin |
Before treatment 120,42 ± 13,12 |
After treatment 128,68 ± 12,77 |
Before treatment 121,11 ± 13,28 |
After treatment 124,63 ± 9,87 |
- clinical symptoms (temperature reaction, intoxication phenomena in the form of weakness, lack of appetite, moodiness and catarrhal-proliferative manifestations, runny nose);
- blood test indicators (erythrocytes, hemoglobin);
- the number of bed-days spent by children in the hospital.
- When treated with antibiotics, "Baby Vit" promotes the rapid restoration of intestinal microflora (dysbiosis does not develop).
- "Baby Vit" promotes faster recovery of red blood counts (erythrocytes, hemoglobin).
- "Baby Vit" in complex treatment leads to a faster recovery of the sick child (reduction of intoxication, catarrhal phenomena, normalization of temperature), and a decrease in the length of the child's stay in the hospital.
- "Baby Vit" improves appetite, reduces abdominal pain, restores the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
- "Baby Vit" is well tolerated by sick children with various pathologies, has no side allergic reactions.
- Children's plant extract "Baby Vit" can be recommended for widespread use in pediatric practice.
Buy Baby Vit syrup for children. Vitamins for children can be bought in Kyiv in the store of healthy and organic products Natur Boutique. Phytopreparations of oriental medicine, apiproducts, vitamins, nutritional supplements, essential oils, natural cosmetics, vitamins.