Hepatoclin phyto detox extract, liver cleansing, choleretic

Improves liver function, has anti-inflammatory, choleretic effect, promotes the elimination of toxins, improves digestion and skin condition. Cleanses the body in a complex way.
The formula consists of 9 medicinal plants traditionally used in the East to treat diseases of the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, bile ducts, as well as kidney and urinary bladder. It is recommended by oriental medicine as an independent remedy for prophylaxis and in a complex of rehabilitation measures after illnesses.
HEPATOCLIN helps to reduce excess body weight, serves as a means of complex cleaning from toxins and toxins, acts as a diuretic. The formula has no cumulative properties, is suitable for long-term use, is non-toxic, well tolerated.
HEPATOCLIN has an antispasmodic and analgesic effect, stimulates bile formation, promotes the outflow of bile, regulates digestion, harmonizes nitrogen and lipid metabolism. It has a positive healing effect on skin diseases with an allergic etiology.
Packaging: 200 ml
Ingredients: Philanthia herb (herba Phyllanthi urinariae), Desmodium herb (herba Desmodii styracifolii), Corn stigmas (styli et stigmata Maydis), Artichoke grass (Cynara scolymus), roots and rhizomes of Gentian (radix et rhizoma Adenosoma) (herba et rhizoma Gentianae) ), fruits of Gardenia (fructus Gardeniae), roots of Licorice (radices Glycyrrhizae), rhizome of Rhubarb (rhizoma Rhei), auxiliary substances (purified water, sugar, sodium benzoate).
Philanthropy has a pronounced choleretic, hepatoprotective, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect.
Artichoke is used in the complex treatment of liver and kidney dysfunction. It has choleretic and diuretic properties, relieves inflammation.
Gardenia is used as an antipyretic and hemostatic agent for liver and kidney diseases, as a mild laxative, has an anthelmintic effect.
Adenosma has an antibacterial effect against many types of bacteria, increases bile secretion, increases the antitoxic function of the liver.
Corn silk has a choleretic (increase the secretion of bile, reduce its viscosity and the content of bilirubin) and a diuretic effect, affect carbohydrate metabolism.
Licorice has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects.
Gentian enhances fermentation in the stomach, stimulates the secretory and motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract.
Rhubarb promotes bile secretion, enhances peristalsis, has an antiseptic effect.
Desmodium is a unique plant with anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antispasmodic effects, which has long been independently used for the treatment of urolithiasis and gallstones.
In traditional oriental medicine, the classic formulation HEPATOCLIN is recommended:
to improve the functioning of the liver and biliary tract;
to harmonize and improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract with intestinal distention, constipation, obstruction of the digestion of fatty and "heavy" food;
to improve the condition of the skin in case of skin diseases of various etiologies;
as a means for a comprehensive cleaning of the body, normalizing metabolic processes and reducing excess body weight;
as a mild diuretic for edema of various origins;
for the prevention of atherosclerosis.
Method of application: 15 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Reception course: 20-30 days. If necessary, the course can be repeated 3-4 times a year.
Dietary supplement. It is not a drug.
Recommended to combine with:
with herbal teas HEPATE, ARTISHOK, ORTHOSTILI, capsules FITOCLIN, TURKUM for any indication;
with the FITOLINCHI group with excess cholesterol.
Side effect: individual intolerance.
Contraindications: not recommended for pregnant women and women during lactation.
Manufacturer: pharmaceutical factory FITO PHARMA, Vietnam.
Distributor: Private Enterprise "Victoria", Ukraine, Kiev, st. Magnitogorskaya 1E, +38 044 502 60 36, +38 067 324 84 64.
Pharmacist-consultant, manager of work with doctors: +38 097 256 00 81 lilia@victoriafito.com
Certification: GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice).
Garnik T.P., Belousova I.V., Titomir A.I., Andriyanova I.V., Veselskiy S.P., Stepanenko V.V.
The experiment involved patients of both sexes aged 17 to 65 years, who suffered from exacerbation of bile duct dyskinesia, chronic cholecystitis, hepatitis. Among concomitant diseases, IHD and hypertension, chronic bronchitis, uric acid diathesis, osteochondrosis of the spine, neurocirculatory dystonia, allergic manifestations in the form of urticaria and dermatitis were diagnosed. Dyspeptic symptoms were observed in 98% of patients.
The first group received basic therapy (antibiotics), the second group received additional Hepatocline (15 ml three times a day 30 minutes before meals during the course of treatment).
Studies of the effect of "Hepatocline" were carried out on general clinical, instrumental (ultrasound), laboratory indicators of a general blood test, blood biochemistry (ALT, AST, bilirubin, cholesterol), bile (phospholipids, cholesterol, bile acids), and also complex immunological studies were carried out, which included the analysis of the links of cellular and humoral immunity.
Dynamics of clinical symptoms in patients of the control and test groups:
Complaints |
Before treatment |
During treatment (after 7 days) |
After treatment |
Isp. 20 persons |
Counter. 10 persons |
Isp. 20 persons |
Counter. 10 persons |
Isp. 20 persons |
Counter. 10 persons |
Heartburn |
65% |
45% |
40% |
29% |
- |
15% |
Belching |
87% |
80% |
24% |
42% |
1% |
10% |
Sour taste in the mouth |
29% |
25% |
2% |
10% |
- |
- |
Bitterness in the mouth in the morning |
54% |
52% |
5% |
15% |
- |
6% |
Vomiting |
6% |
5% |
- |
4% |
- |
- |
Heaviness in the right hypochondrium |
78% |
80% |
2% |
25% |
- |
6% |
Pain in the epigastrium and right hypochondrium |
84% |
82% |
24% |
62% |
2% |
10% |
Bloating |
91% |
9% |
34% |
50% |
- |
15% |
Constipation |
64% |
45% |
21% |
35% |
4% |
15% |
Weakness, irritability |
96% |
94% |
51% |
75% |
25% |
30% |
Bad dream |
73% |
70% |
49% |
55% |
20% |
40% |
Loss of appetite |
78% |
70% |
23% |
40% |
10% |
20% |
Itchy skin |
47% |
39% |
29% |
33% |
4% |
24% |
The results made it possible to establish that the additional application of “Hepatocline” to basic therapy leads to significant positive changes, both in the course of the disease and in a decrease in bed-days in patients. It should be noted that all patients were discharged from the hospital in a state of complete normalization of clinical and laboratory parameters, the absence of dyspeptic and stabilization of clinical symptoms and normalization of metabolic processes.
One of the criteria for the effectiveness of treatment with "Hepatocline" is the time of disappearance of clinical symptoms, dyspeptic syndrome. In patients who additionally received "Hepatocline", clinical symptoms began to disappear gradually within 3 to 7 days.
The appointment of “Hepatocline” did not cause significant changes in the indicators of the general blood test, which can be considered as the absence of a negative effect of the drug and its side or toxic effects.
It should be noted that the prescription of the drug "Hepatoclin" showed a more significant decrease in ESR indicators - by 33% versus 23% - in people who took only basic therapy. The decrease in the content of leukocytes in the blood under the conditions of the use of "Hepatocline" also turned out to be statistically significant.
Laboratory and clinical indicators indicate the disappearance of the general inflammatory process, the phenomena of intoxication, as well as an increase in the antitoxic function of the liver, and an improvement in metabolic processes. Normalization of biochemical parameters (ALT, AST) indicates the normalization of metabolic processes in the liver at the level of hepatocytes.
The data of instrumental examination (ultrasound) testify to the normalization of the functional state of the gallbladder and the sphincter apparatus of the bile ducts.
Analyzing the dynamics of the main indicators of the immune system, it should be noted that there is a decrease in immune reactivity and immune responses in patients with exacerbation of chronic hepatobiliary pathology (chronic cholecystitis, hepatitis), which is also confirmed by the biochemical parameters of ALT, AST.
An increase in indicators: T-lymphocytes, T-active, auto ROC allows the activation of the thymus-dependent chain of the immune system. This testifies to the subsiding of the acute inflammatory process and the restoration and rehabilitation of the immune defense.
For patients with dyspeptic syndrome, the appointment of “Hepatocline” requires a differentiated approach, which is due to the presence of a small amount of bitterness and sugars in the extract. Disorder of bowel movement in 4% (1) was observed in the form of constipation (in the patient's history, the patient took Senida drugs for a long time). Increasing the dose of the drug to 30 ml three times a day once a day helped to normalize bowel function.
Thus, our observations indicate that “Hepatoclin” is a modern herbal remedy that has cholespasmolytic, cholekinetic effect, affects the metabolic processes of the body, increases the antitoxic property, normalizes homeostasis, reduces cholesterol levels, and increases the content of bile acids in the bile chol / cholesterol ratio.
- The use of "Hepatocline" in the treatment of chronic diseases of the hepatobiliary system (chronic cholecystitis, stoneless and calculous, chronic hepatitis) contributes to the disappearance of dyspeptic symptoms of diseases, improvement of objective signs, as well as a decrease in the number of patients on treatment, which makes it possible to recommend this drug in a complex rehabilitation and rehabilitation and preventive therapy of diseases of the gallbladder and liver.
- The use of "Hepatocline" in the complex treatment of patients promotes faster removal. the inflammatory process, as evidenced by clinical and laboratory indicators: it helps to normalize metabolic processes (as evidenced by the general analysis of urine, bile and blood biochemistry), reduces the lithogenic properties of bile; increases the antitoxic properties of the liver (normalizes ALT, AST), reduces the phenomena of cholestasis (normalization of bilirubin) and immune inflammation.
- On the basis of the clinical study of "Hepatocline", it is assumed that the use of "Hepatocline" also has a preventive effect in persons with metabolic disorders with a tendency to cholelithiasis and urolithiasis diathesis.
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