Reishi mushroom tea Fitolinchi fito adaptogen

210 UAH
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Restores immunity
Radioprotector, cancer protector

Fitolinchi fito herbal tea, 20 filter bags

It harmonizes the activity of all body systems, restores immunity, radioprotector, adaptogen, normalizes blood pressure, has an antitumor and hypoglycemic effect.

The miraculous properties of the Lin Chi mushroom or Ganoderma lucidum (lat.) Have been known in the east since time immemorial. More than 2000 years ago, in the “Holy Book of Miraculous Medicinal Plants” (China), Lin Chi mushroom was named “the best among the 365 most valuable medicinal plants of the East”, superior in value to ginseng. In nature, there are 6 varieties of Lin Chi mushroom, of which the red Lin Chi mushroom, grown in Vietnam, which is part of Fitolinchi tea, has the greatest value and therapeutic activity.

Ingredients: Lin Chi Mushroom, Mountaineer Root, Polyuntilla Extract, Licorice Root.

Packaging: 20 filter bags

It has been proven that the immunomodulatory effect of Lin Chi is associated with the effect of polysaccharides on the bone marrow, accompanied by an increase in RNA and DNA by 50%, an increase in the number of B-lymphocytes and macrophages. Many of the medicinal effects of the Lin Chi mushroom are associated with the presence of polysaccharides that have antitumor activity. Lin Chi is an effective radioprotector. The radioprotective effect of polysaccharides is not inferior to the effect of L-cysteine ​​after irradiation of bone marrow cells with a cobalt gun. Lin Chi works as an antioxidant, trap free radicals, reducing the content of the latter by 50%. When prescribing Lin Chi drugs, the transport role of erythrocytes (oxygen transfer) increases, due to the content of adenosine in the fruiting body of the fungus.

The use of the phytopreparation Lin Chi in the clinic of cardiovascular pathology is associated with the ability of the drug to reduce the level of triglycerides and low density lipoproteins in blood plasma in people at risk by 68-74%, actively suppress cholesterol biosynthesis, and the therapeutic effect is the more significant, the higher the level of hypercholesterolemia. The preparations of this plant improve myocardial contractility while improving blood supply and reducing oxygen demand.

Lin Chi normalizes blood pressure, is effective for angina pectoris, arrhythmias. The hypotensive effect of the fungus is associated with the presence of more than 100 triterpenoids in its mycelium, acting on the body as angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and not inferior in efficiency to captopril. Thus, when treating patients with essential hypertension with mushroom preparations, a statistically significant decrease in diastolic blood pressure by 42.5% was observed when taking encapsulated forms of Lin Chi for 10 days. It has been found that the drug can regulate blood viscosity by reducing platelet density like aspirin while not irritating the gastric mucosa.

In traditional oriental medicine, the classic FITOLINCHI recipe is used:

  • to improve performance, strengthen immunity and memory, increase intellectual activity;
  • as an additional tool in a set of measures to restore the functions of the cardiovascular system (normalizes blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, prevents thrombus formation);
  • to stabilize the functions of the nervous system and harmonize sleep;
  • to support and protect the liver, gallbladder, pancreas; helps to improve the functions of hepatocytes, is indicated in the rehabilitation period after hepatitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis;
  • as a drug with antiallergic effect, including for chronic bronchitis with an asthmatic component, food allergies, etc.;
  • for the prevention of neoplasms and in the presence of exposure to high doses of ionizing radiation.
  • with regular long-term use, it rejuvenates and improves skin turgor, slows down the aging process and prolongs life;
  • as a tonic and stimulant - for debilitating colds, after severe injuries, surgical interventions;
  • possessing adaptogenic properties, the drug is recommended to be used by people living in ecologically unfavorable areas.

Method of application and dosage: brewing 1-2 filter bags 2-3 times a day, 15-20 minutes before meals. The course of admission is 1 month.

Not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

Recommended to be taken as an adjunct to any therapy.

Dietary supplement. It is not a drug.

Manufacturer: pharmaceutical factory FITO PHARMA, Vietnam.

Distributor: Private Enterprise "Victoria", Ukraine, Kiev, st. Magnitogorskaya 1E, +38 044 502 60 36, +38 067 324 84 64.

Pharmacist-consultant, manager for work with doctors: +38 097 256 00 81




The aim of the clinical study was to assess the effectiveness, harmlessness of the drug "Lin Chi" and to study its effect on the functional state and the course of diseases in persons with hepatobiliary pathology in complex therapy.

The study involved 36 patients aged 21 to 64 years, who suffered from biliary dyskinesia, chronic cholecystitis, hepatitis. The average duration of the disease was 10.2 years (range 1 to 13 years). In 13 of 36 patients (29%), diseases of the hepatobiliary system were detected for the first time, in the remaining 23 (71%) relapses and complications of the underlying disease were observed. The study group observed: chronic hepatitis - 8 cases; chronic cholecystitis - 10 cases; chronic pancreatitis - 9 cases, chronic cholecystocholangitis - 8 cases, Gilbert's disease - 1.

The control group consisted of 22 men with hepatobiliary pathology in whom Lin Chi was not used in addition to the main therapy.

The results obtained made it possible to establish that the use of the drug "Lin Chi" in addition to basic therapy leads to significant positive changes, both in the course of the disease, and reduces the bed-day rate in hospital conditions in patients with the following diagnoses: exacerbation of chronic calculous and non-calculous cholecystitis , which proceeded against the background of mixed dyskinesia of the gallbladder and sphincters of the bile ducts, as well as in persons who underwent cholecystectomy for cholelithiasis and chronic hepatitis. In chronic persistent hepatitis, the bed-day decreased by 4.2 days.

One of the criteria for the effectiveness of treatment with "Lin Chi" was the timing of the disappearance of the clinical symptoms of the underlying disease and dyspeptic syndrome. Before treatment, 29 patients showed weakness, irritability, 27 patients - bloating, 27 patients - belching, 25 patients - pain in the epigastrium and right hypochondrium, 23 patients showed heaviness in the right hypochondrium and impaired appetite (no), 22 patients sleep disturbances occurred, in 19 patients constipation was observed.

In patients who, in addition to basic therapy, received "Lin Chi" preparations, clinical symptoms began to disappear gradually within 3 to 7 days, only 4% of cases had constipation, 10% - appetite disorders, 20% and 25% - disorders sleep and irritability, however, these symptoms were observed in individuals who had a comorbid pathology such as neurocirculatory dystonia or hypertension.

The main criterion for the effectiveness of treatment was such general clinical symptoms as: normalization of body temperature, normalization of appetite, reduction of pain syndrome, disappearance of skin reactions (itching, rashes), increase in daily urine output, normalization of the blood count (ESR, leukocyte count) and biochemical parameters.

The use of "Lin Chi" did not cause significant changes in the indicators of the general blood test, which can be considered as the absence of a negative effect of the drug and its side or toxic effects. It should be noted that when the drug "Lin Chi" was prescribed, a decrease in ESR was noted - by 33% compared to 23% - in individuals who took only basic therapy. The decrease in the number of leukocytes was also statistically significant under the condition of using "Lin Chi". Laboratory and clinical indicators indicate the disappearance of the general inflammatory process, the phenomena of intoxication, as well as an increase in the detoxification function of the liver and an improvement in metabolic processes. Normalization of biochemical parameters (ALT, AST) indicates an improvement in metabolic processes in the liver at the level of hepatocytes.

On the normalization of the functional state of the gallbladder and the sphincter apparatus of the biliary tract, instrumental studies carried out using ultrasound diagnostics (UZD) testify. So, with hypotonic-hypokinetic dyskinesia, the gallbladder decreased from 94 + 7.3 cm to 52 ± 4.5 cm3, and with hypertensive-hyperkinetic dyskinesia it increased from 30 ± 2.1 cm3 to 47 ± 3.2 cm, which is also evidenced by positive dynamics of indicators of physical and biochemical properties of bile (bile acids, cholesterol, cholato-cholesterol ratio, specific gravity and results of microscopy).

Analyzing the dynamics of the main indicators of the immune system in patients with chronic hepatobiliary pathology, it should be noted the observed decrease in immune reactivity and immune responses during exacerbation of chronic hepatobiliary pathology (chronic cholecystitis, hepatitis), which is confirmed by such biochemical indicators as ALT, AST. An increase in indicators: T-lymphocytes, T-active, E-ROC suggests the activation of the thymus-dependent chain of the immune system. This indicates the abatement of the acute inflammatory process and the restoration of the immune defense.

For patients with dyspeptic syndrome, the prescription of "Lin Chi" preparations requires a differentiated approach, which is due to the presence of a small amount of bitterness and sugars in the extract.


Thus, our observations indicate that "Lin Chi" is a modern drug that has a cholespasmolytic, cholekinetic effect, has a positive effect on metabolic processes, increases detoxification properties, normalizes homeostasis, reduces cholesterol levels, and increases the content of bile acids in bile.

"Lin Chi" has a pronounced immunomodulatory, adaptogenic, hypotensive and hepatoprotective effect. Lin Chi is also characterized by antiallergic and antioxidant effects. Ganoderma Lucidum contained in Lin Chi preparations is an effective radioprotector, is well tolerated by patients with pancreatohepatobiliary pathology and has no side effects. The drug "Lin Chi" is compatible with traditional remedies, accelerates the healing process and is recommended for the normalization of metabolic processes in the liver, is indicated in the rehabilitation period after hepatitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, operations on the liver and pancreas.

Любов Вікторівна
01 August 2024
Чудовий засіб для профілактики простудних захворювань. Зміцнює імунітет, благотворно впливає весь організм.
Муравйова Р.А.
20 July 2021
Спасибо, что есть такие фитопрепараты, которые очень выручают! Я укрепила имунную систему, всю зиму не болела. Стала лучше спать, нервная система не так расшатана, как раньше. Отдельное спасибо консультанатам!
Козленко Л.Л.
19 July 2021
Я и вся моя семья пользуется фитопрепаратами восточной медицины. Благодаря профилактическому приему препаратов Артишок и Фитолинчи нам удалось избежать тяжелых вирусных заболеваний в течении года.
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Reishi mushroom tea Fitolinchi fito adaptogen

Buy Phytolinchi reishi mushroom, adaptogen, to strengthen immunity, radioprotector in Kyiv in the store of healthy and organic products Natur Boutique. Phytopreparations of oriental medicine, apiproducts, vitamins, nutritional supplements, essential oils, natural cosmetics, vitamins.