Polygonum phytotea phyto gray hair, rejuvenation
Polygonum fito herbal tea, 20 filter bags
Rejuvenates the body, improves blood formation, improves hair growth, prevents the formation of early gray hair, restores the female body after childbirth.
There is a beautiful Vietnamese legend about a lonely philosopher-sage who lived to be 50 years old, was in poor health, he had no wife or children. But once wonderful knowledge was sent to him about one herb, which he took in the form of infusion not one day, but many months, and after his "hair became the color of a raven's wing", his skin - elastic, muscles tightened. Soon he got married, had children, from whom the knowledge about the miracle herb HA THU O became known (which means "Head of an old man of the color of a raven's wing" in Vietam language). Phytocomposition "Polygonum" is created according to an old recipe designed to preserve beauty, health and youth.
Ingredients: Polygonum polygonum root, Licorice root.
Packaging: 20 filter bags
In the East, the multiflorous mountaineer is considered a plant that concentrates the vital energy of Chi in its roots. The noticeable rejuvenating effect of the herb has long been used, its property to prevent premature old age, enhance the vital activity of the body, toning it up. The popularity of Polygonum in Vietnam is enormous, it is one of the most famous and used plants in Eastern medicine.
In traditional oriental medicine, the classic POLYGONUM recipe is used:
- as a supportive, tonic agent for the spleen, helping to increase hematopoiesis (with anemia, leukopenia, anemia, especially useful for women in the postpartum period);
- as a means that has a tonic and adaptogenic effect during physical and psycho-emotional stress (asthenia, neuroses), including weakness in old age;
- as a means of rejuvenating, strengthening and enhancing hair growth, preventing early gray hair and premature aging by harmonizing the activity of the adrenal glands and normalizing the production of hormones;
- as a means of lowering cholesterol levels and improving liver function.
Method of application and dosage: 1 filter bag 2-3 times a day. The course of admission is 21 days.
Dietary supplement. It is not a drug.
It is recommended to combine:
- with FITOLINCHI group, FITOSENS capsules, SONG HAO extract to increase the effect of body rejuvenation;
- with herbal tea HEPATE, capsules FITOLEDI and FITORELAX for early recovery in the postpartum period;
- with capsules FITOLEDI for endometritis;
- with SPIRULIN capsules to enhance the effect of hematopoiesis;
- with FITOLINCHI group for effective cholesterol elimination.
Manufacturer: pharmaceutical factory FITO PHARMA, Vietnam.
Distributor: Private Enterprise "Victoria", Ukraine, Kiev, st. Magnitogorskaya 1E, +38 044 502 60 36, +38 067 324 84 64.
Pharmacist-consultant, manager for work with doctors: +38 097 256 00 81 lilia@victoriafito.com
Buy Polygonum. Gray hair, recovery after childbirth, rejuvenation, lactation tea, hematopoiesis in Kyiv in the store of healthy and organic products Natur Boutique. Phytopreparations of oriental medicine, apiproducts, vitamins, nutritional supplements, essential oils, natural cosmetics, vitamins
Полигонум Fito