Rinacap: natural forces against allergic rhinitis

Rinacap: natural forces against allergic rhinitis

With the onset of spring, the days are getting warmer - nature wakes up. The trees bloom, the leaves begin to bloom, and the air feels an incredible spring aroma. Unfortunately, not everyone can rejoice and breathe calmly at such a time.

Rhinitis, nasal congestion, and sneezing are well-known symptoms for people who suffer from inflammation of the nasal mucosa due to allergic reactions.

During this period, the experience of traditional oriental medicine in the use of a number of medicinal plants may be useful. In this context, special attention is drawn to the product RINAKAP from the company "FITO PHARMA Co., Ltd". Due to the antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties of 4 plants that are part of RINAKAP, the use of this product is relevant for overcoming the symptoms of allergic rhinitis.

The reason for the development of allergic rhinitis in the spring are seasonal allergens, such as pollen from flowering plants and others. Symptoms usually appear during a certain period when aeroallergens circulate in the open air.

This period is characterized by the "explosive" onset of the disease and the appearance of symptoms such as abundant watery rhinorrhea, itching, sneezing, redness of the eyes (Ryazantsev CB, Sapova KI, 2016).

Although allergic rhinitis is not a serious disease, it can significantly reduce the quality of life, impair sleep (Yashina LA et al., 2017).

Many years of experience in oriental medicine can be useful in overcoming this problem, one of the main principles of which is to increase the body's defenses through the use of multicomponent plant mixtures (Zhuravsky SG, Kamenev IY, 1998). Thus, the composition of the product RINAKAP is based on an ancient oriental formula of 4 medicinal plants: the roots of angelica daur, mint grass, magnolia flowers and the fruits of junk.

Daurian angelica roots have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties. They are used for headaches, especially in the front of the head, which occurs in the case of nasal congestion, sinusitis (Schreter AI et al., 2004; Naumova EM, Selivanova GB, 2002).

In turn, the herb mint helps to reduce the severity of itching, has antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties (Karpuk VV, Aleinik IM, 2016).

The next component of RINAKAP is magnolia flowers, which are characterized by anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Due to this, this medicinal plant has a long history of use in Chinese medicine for allergic rhinitis, sinusitis and headache (Shen Y., 2008; Ezhov VM, 2010; Ma J., 2018).

RINAKAP also contains junk fruits, which are known for their antimicrobial, antipyretic and diaphoretic properties (Garnik TP, 2012).

Therefore, the biologically active substances that are part of RINAKAP are characterized by a wide range of properties and help to alleviate the condition of patients with allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, as well as acute and chronic colds.

The recipe of the RINAKAP product was specially developed to help relieve headaches and temporal pain, reduce nasal and maxillary sinus congestion, as well as overcome fever accompanied by dizziness, chills, shortness of breath.

RINAKAP: experience of oriental medicine in the fight against allergic rhinitis!

Press service of the "Weekly PHARMACY"

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Allergic rhinitis
Sinusitis, colds
Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory
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