Green Elephant liquid fito balm

"First aid kit in the palm of your hand." Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, warming balm for external use. Relieves headache, toothache, menstrual pain. Useful for colds, sore throat, poisoning. Scares away insects, accelerates the healing of bruises, insect bites. Distracting for nausea.
An old recipe based on natural extracts of camphor laurel and field mint. Its important feature is the presence of not only the volatile components of plants, but also methyl salicylate, a well-known anti-inflammatory agent that gives the balm additional therapeutic power. The basis is liquid paraffin, which enhances its warming effect on tissues.
Ingredients: essential oil of Field mint (Mentha arvensis), essential oil of Laurus camphor (Laurus camphor), methyl salicylate (Methylii salicylas).
Excipients: liquid paraffin, natural green dye (chlorophyll).
Complexes of active substances of essential oils cause local anesthetic and antispasmodic action.
Packaging: 5 ml
Peppermint menthol is able to activate the cold receptors of the respiratory tract and others, making breathing easier in case of respiratory diseases.
The active substance of Lavra camphor provides a local antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect of the drug, has a positive effect on blood microcirculation, immunological reactions, and increases body temperature at the site of application. associated with the expansion of capillaries, improves the supply of oxygen to tissues, accelerates the breakdown of metabolic products that cause pain.
Methyl salicylate enhances the local action of plant essential oils.
In traditional Eastern medicine, the classic formulation ELEPHANT GREEN is used:
- as an external anti-inflammatory agent that improves peripheral circulation and relieves pain in arthrosis, neuralgia, bruises, scratches, insect bites;
- as a warming and anti-inflammatory agent for colds (for rubbing);
- for massage of reflexogenic zones and warming up muscles before and after sports training;
- as a distraction for motion sickness, nausea, headache.
Doses and method of application: apply 2-3 drops, lightly grind and wrap with something warm 2-3 times a day and at night for 5-7 days.
Recommended to combine with:
- FITOPULMIN extract for colds;
- FONG TE THAP extract, ARTRALGIN capsules, REUMATON, ELEPHANT SPRAY extract for joint diseases;
- FITOLITON extract, capsules and herbal tea for diseases of the genitourinary system.
Side effect: at the site of application, a skin reaction associated with the irritating effect of the drug may occur.
Contraindications: individual intolerance.
Application feature: contact with eyes, mucous membranes, open wound surfaces is not allowed. For children under 7 years of age, apply in a mixture with a cream.
Manufacturer: pharmaceutical factory FITO PHARMA, Vietnam.
Distributor: Private Enterprise "Victoria", Ukraine, Kiev, st. Magnitogorskaya 1E, +38 044 502 60 36, +38 067 324 84 64.
Pharmacist-consultant, manager of work with doctors: +38 097 256 00 81
Certification: GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice).
The specific activity of the Red Elephant and Green Elephant balms was studied at the Scientific Center for Radiation Medicine of the Institute of Experimental Radiology in Kiev. Pharmacological study was carried out in order to identify the anti-inflammatory, decongestant and analgesic effect of the balm. The balms, applied in large quantities over a large area of the skin, did not cause significant harm to the experimental animals. At the same time, their short-term fatigue, fast breathing rhythm, slight reddening of the skin were recorded. These functions are quickly restored. Allergic reactions and skin burns were not observed. The results of the study showed pronounced analgesic, anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties, which are not inferior to known drugs for internal use (analgin, indomethacin and voltaren). The mechanism of action is determined by the ability of the components of the balm to block inflammatory mediators and significantly increase the intensity of blood flow, membrane permeability, which makes it possible to reduce intoxication of the body - both locally and resorptively.
огромную благодарность за доставку к нам в Крым,такой нужный, натуральный, лечебный аромабальзам,
благодаря,которому у меня улучшилось состояние моего здоровья. У меня была травма позвоночника
шейного отдела, было нарушено периферическое кровообращение, болела невыносимо голова, пила
препараты, которые назначали врачи,массаж делать нельзя было. Благодаря комплексу активных веществ
эфирных масел из которых состоит бальзам, его действующие вещества обеспечивают местное-
антисептическое и противовоспалительное действие , и оказывает отличное действие на микроциркуляцию
крови. Используя бальзам у меня улучшилось периферическое кровообращение. Прекратились сильные
, головные боли, прошла невралгия. Продолжаю пользоваться по мере необходимости " Бальзамом Зеленый
Слон", Я держу всегда его в аптечке. Хочу выразить огромную благодарность тем сотрудникам, которые
являются производителями этого замечательного, лечебного " Аромабальзама Зеленый Слон",за их
нужный труд и что они используют старинные рецепты. Очень похвально, что медицина сегодня на таком
высоком уровне, но несмотря на это проблемы не решаются, люди продолжают болеть и умирать. Несмотря
на это меня утешают очень радостные слова. которые записаны в Библии : " Бог вытрет слезы с их глаз,
и смерти больше не будет, ни скорби, ни рыданий, ни боли больше не будет. Все, что было, прошло"
Откровение "21 : 4 ) Какое замечательное время наступит тогда! Все болезни, которые мучают нас сейчас
уйдут в прошлое.
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