Fitogra fito, to increase potency

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Fitogra fito, to increase potency
Good manufacturing practice - quality standard for pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, etc.
Potentotonic, seahorse in composition
Increases sexual and physical activity
With sexual dysfunctions and prostatitis

Potentotonic. Increases sexual, physical and intellectual performance. It is useful for the prevention of genitourinary diseases, sexual dysfunctions.

FITOGRA is a traditional remedy in the East, containing seahorse (caught by all means during the mating season), which has a pronounced positive effect on the kidneys and the genitourinary system. Eastern medicine explains these properties at the bioenergetic level by the presence of positive YAN (+) energy, which, when it enters the body, nourishes all organs and systems with it, stimulates all natural biochemical metabolic processes, while increasing endurance and physical strength. According to Eastern criteria, the drug fills organs and systems with positive energy, allowing a person to enjoy a healthy life and love.

Packaging: 40 capsules

Ingredients: seahorse, Ginseng root, deer antlers, Cinnamon bark, Tribulus fruits, excipient (magnesium stearate).

Biologically active substances contained in seahorses and deer antlers cause pronounced anti-inflammatory and restorative effects, especially in relation to the genitourinary system. Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory effects. Tribulus increases myocardial contractility, improves coronary circulation, has anticoagulant and immunomodulatory properties, and also increases potency and stimulates spermatogenesis.

In traditional oriental medicine, the classic FITOGRA recipe is used in combination:

  • to improve the effectiveness of therapy and prevention of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system in men and women, incl. prostatitis;
  • to normalize the level of sex hormones: in men - restoration of an erection, an increase in the duration of intercourse, the quality and quantity of sperm produced; in women - delays the onset of menopause, enhances sensuality, libido, satisfaction;
  • to improve the processes of hematopoiesis, increase the level of erythrocytes and hemoglobin in the blood, improve blood circulation in organs and tissues.

Dosage and administration: 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. The course of admission is 30 days.

Dietary supplement. It is not a drug.

Recommended to combine with:

  • extract, capsules, herbal tea FITOLINCHI and herbal tea CHRYSANTEMA with a tendency to hypertension to prevent a possible increase in pressure;
  • capsules FITOSENS, GINGER or with SONG HAO extract to increase the effect of therapy for urinary inflammation (prostatitis, etc.);
  • herbal tea POLYGONUM and SPIRULIN capsules to improve hematopoiesis.

Manufacturer: pharmaceutical factory FITO PHARMA, Vietnam.

Distributor: Private Enterprise "Victoria", Ukraine, Kiev, st. Magnitogorskaya 1E, +38 044 502 60 36, +38 067 324 84 64.

Pharmacist-consultant, manager of work with doctors: +38 097 256 00 81

Certification: GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice).



Professor, Dr. med. D., head. Department of Gastroenterology of the Clinic of the Scientific Center for Radiation Medicine of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
Komarenko D.I.

The object of the study: sick men with sexual neuroses who were treated in the department of gastroenterology, and who took part in the elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident. In total, 20 patients aged 41 to 76 years and 20 persons from the same department - the control group - were examined. The duration of treatment in a hospital was 18-21 days. All patients in groups 2 received similar restorative treatment, and pharmacotherapy and diet therapy aimed at treating the pathology of the digestive system. In the main group, patients additionally received the product "Fitogra" 2 capsules 2 times a day.

Before the start of taking the drug, a questionnaire survey of patients in 2 groups was carried out on the questions according to table No. 1.

Characteristics of the clinical symptoms of the surveyed contingent of both groups before the start of treatment:

Anamnestic dataAll patients
I Group
II Group
Weakness of erections and a decrease in the number of intercourses40 (100%)20 (100%)20 (100%)
Weakening of sexual desires and interest in sex35 (87,5%)12 (60%)14 (70%)
Weakening of orgasmic sensations37 (92,4%)18 (90%)17 (85%)
Self-doubt and low mood37 (92.5%)19 (95%)18 (90%)
Fewer or less spontaneous erections40 (100%)20 (100%)20 (100%)
Decreased duration of intercourse37 (95,7%)19 (95%)17 (85%)
Rapid ejaculation syndrome4 (10%)2 (10%)2 (10%)

Dynamics of symptoms after a course of taking the product "Fitogra":

Anamnestic dataI Group
II Group
Strengthening erection and increasing the number of intercourse20 (100%)2 (10%)
The emergence of sexual desires and interest in sex20 (100%)4 (20%)
Enhanced orgasmic sensations17 (76,9%)2 (10%)
Boosting self-confidence and mood9 (45%)1 (5%)
Increased number of spontaneous erections12 (60%)1 (5%)
Lengthening the duration of intercourse19 (95%)6 (30%)
Elimination of the syndrome of rapid ejaculation2 (10%)
The appearance of erotic dreams4 (20%)


In most patients, the effect occurred in a day, but in 3 patients it was observed after 4-5 hours. After 7 days, a positive effect was observed in all patients.

Patients also noted an increase in energy and performance, a sense of self-confidence and an improvement in psycho-emotional status. Some patients with chronic prostatitis have reported improved urination and decreased frequency of urination at night.

The dynamics of recovery of the main indicators of sexual function in the "Fitogra" group:

Sexual function indicatorDays of taking the product "Fitogra"
5-6 hours1 day7 days18 days
Libido3 (14,3%)16 (80%)20 (100%)20 (100%)
Spontaneous erections0 (0,0%)1 (5%)20 (100%)20 (100%)
Adequate erections0 (0,0%)7 (35%)20(100%)20 (100%)
Orgasmic sensations0 (0,0%)7 (35%)15 (75%)20 (100%)
Emotional uplift after coitus0 (0,0%)7 (35%)20(100%)20(100%)




Conducted clinical studies of the product have shown that "Fitogra" in the majority of patients examined in the clinic, who suffered from an accident at a nuclear power plant, provides restoration of impaired sexual function.

The product "Fitogra" restores libido and is an effective remedy for combating various symptoms and clinical manifestations of erectile dysfunction according to 7 main clinical symptoms, which is confirmed by reliable restoration of impaired sexual functions.

The product "Fitogra" not only enhances sexual desire, improves mood, gives self-confidence, increases energy and efficiency, but also restores faded sexual capabilities in men who have suffered from exposure to ionizing radiation. These data are reliably confirmed by an increase in erection, an increase in the number of sexual acts and an increase in their duration. The product "Fitogra" has a pronounced therapeutic effect even in patients with severe sexual dysfunction.

The product "Fitogra" is effective for patients of the studied age range from 41 to 74 years.


Studies have shown that the effect of the drug in a dose of 2 capsules 2 times a day in some patients may appear within 4-5 hours, however, a reliable onset of action is observed 24-48 hours after the start of taking the drug.

For patients of the older age group who have long breaks in intercourse, as well as for patients exposed to frequent and prolonged stressful situations, a course use of the product is recommended for at least 18 days.

For patients with complex sexual dysfunctions of sexual function, a 21-day course of treatment is recommended at a dose of 2 capsules 2 times a day.

Clinical studies of the "Fitogra" product manufactured by the pharmaceutical company FITO PHARMA Co., Ltd allow us to conclude that "Fitogra" is a highly effective means for restoring sexual function, working capacity and improving the quality of life of men of various age groups affected by ionizing radiation.

20 July 2021
Мой муж регулярно пьет Фитогру. Хорошо поддерживает ему физическую активность. Он много работает и поэтому я рада, что у него такая поддержка в виде этого фитопрепарата.
07 April 2021
Вітаю! Історія у мене сумна, як і у більшості чоловіків які купують подібні препарати ... У такому ранньому віці я придбав практично повне статеве безсилля через заняття спортом. Я вже десять років займаюся одним з видів східних єдиноборств професійно. Я спеціально не уточнюю вид спорту, тому що місто в якому я мешкаю маленьке і все у всіх на виду ... Так от, травми пахової області дали про себе знати ще 2 роки тому. Але я все відмахувався, думав, що все ось так саме пройде. Зараз у мене є кохана, яку я обожнюю. Вона знає про мої проблеми. Я дуже хочу щоб ми були мега щасливі. Пару днів тому я спробував уперше препарат для підвищення потенції ФИТОГРА-F(без своєї дівчини, вона була у від'їзді). Хлопці як я потім шкодував що я не зробив це з дівчиною!!! Мені довелося згадати що таке рукоблудие! )))))) Таблетки офигительно сильні!!!! Чи не експериментуйте самі з собою, приймайте ФИТОГРА-F коли ваша дівчина з вами поруч! Обов'язково відпишуся після того, як спробую ці таблетки дійсно в справі! Бережіть своє здоров'я і не хворійте! Вибачте, якщо відгук занадто великий, просто мене розпирає від щастя, що зі мною не все втрачено !!!! ))))
04 March 2021
Мой муж регулярно пьет Фитогру. Хорошо поддерживает ему физическую активность. Он много работает и поэтому я рада, что у него такая поддержка в виде этого фитопрепарата.
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Fitogra fito, to increase potency

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