Ophthalmovit - f fito for eyes

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Ophthalmovit - f fito for eyes
Good manufacturing practice - quality standard for pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, etc.
Eye formula
With dry eyes, retinopathy, fatigue from working at the computer

Eye formula. Supports vision during visual stress, eliminates dry eyes, improves blood circulation in the retina, and is useful for retinopathy.

The formula of OFTALMOVIT-F was created on the basis of an old recipe recorded in the book "Conversations with the Emperor's palace doctor". This recipe, like other traditional recipes of oriental medicine, is based on the theory of the five elements, yin-yang. According to the doctrine of medicine of the East, in the eyes of a person, as in a mirror, his health is reflected, but most of all the eyes reflect the state of two meridians - the liver and kidneys. Over the centuries, accumulating experience in treatment, herbal medicinal components are deeply connected to mutually enhance the healing effect. Some plants are designed to tone the liver meridian, others - kidneys and blood, others remove toxins from the body.

OPHTHALMOVIT-F is used to improve acuity and prevent visual impairment, prevents the development of eye diseases. The use of OPHTHALMOVIT-F improves the hemodynamics of the eyes, eliminates the feeling of dryness and "sand" in the eyes.

OPHTHALMOVIT-F is useful for those with poor eyesight, the elderly and children. Also, OFTALMOVIT-F is recommended for people in such professions where visual acuity and constant eye strain are required.

Ingredients: roots of Remannia (radices Rehmanniae), rhizome of Eastern Dioscorea (rhizoma Dioscoreae persimilis), fruits of Asian dogwood (fructus Corni), mushroom Poria (Poria), rhizome of Alisma (rhizoma Alismatis), bark of the Peony tree (cortex Moutan), Chrysanthemum flowers (flos Chrysanthemi indici), Goji fruit (frustus Lycii), excipient (magnesium stearate).

Packaging: 40 capsules

Alisma has a hypotensive, anti-sclerotic, hypocholesterolemic, anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes blood sugar levels, which is important for the vessels of the eyes.

The biologically active substances contained in goji have antioxidant and immuno-strengthening properties, improve blood circulation, strengthen blood vessels, and have a beneficial effect on the eyes, liver, and kidneys.

Dioscorea is used in the treatment of atherosclerotic central chorioretinopathy, improves the hemodynamics of the eyes, and increases the visual functions of the eyes.

The complex of biologically active substances of Chrysanthemum and Dioscorea has an anti-inflammatory, vaso-strengthening effect.

Cornel and Remania help to reduce intracranial pressure.

The composition of the composition also includes the mushroom Poria and Asiatic cornel, which have hepatoprotective properties, since, from the point of view of Eastern medicine, only with a healthy liver will the eyes be clear.

In traditional oriental medicine, the classic formulation of OPHTHALMOVIT is used:

  • to restore normal vision in case of fatigue and eye strain, especially recommended for drivers and people working on a computer;
    1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day. Reception course: 30 days. If necessary, the course can be repeated 3-4 times a year.
  • to eliminate the feeling of dryness and "sand" in the eyes;
  • as a means that improves blood circulation in the capillaries, prevents the development of eye diseases (atrophy of the optic nerve, diabetic retinopathy);
  • to relieve inflammation of the retina and lacrimal sac;
  • to improve visual acuity and prevent visual impairment.

Dosage and administration:

Dietary supplement. It is not a drug.

Recommended to combine with:

Contraindications: it is not recommended to take with individual sensitivity to the components of the product.

Take with caution and on the recommendation of a doctor for children, pregnant women and women during lactation.


The product is manufactured according to a traditional recipe with its own extraction of biologically active substances from medicinal plants in the conditions of the global quality standard for the production of pharmaceutical products GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice). This guarantees consistent performance, high quality and safety.

Manufacturer: pharmaceutical factory FITO PHARMA, Vietnam.

Distributor: Private Enterprise "Victoria", Ukraine, Kiev, st. Magnitogorskaya 1E, +38 044 502 60 36, +38 067 324 84 64.

Pharmacist-consultant, manager of work with doctors: +38 097 256 00 81 lilia@victoriafito.com

Certification: GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice).



16 reviews
18 July 2024
Після 50-ти років став погіршуватись зір, за порадою офтальмолога почала курсами пропивати Офтальмовіт-F і дуже вдячна за пораду! Зір перестав падати, все навкруги стало яскравішим і чітким! Навіть, якщо довго сиджу чи в телефоні, чи за комп’ютером втоми не відчуваю! Дієвий препарат! Рекомендую!
12 June 2024
Формула для очей, дуже якісний та натуральний...
Результат уже на другий день, моя втома очей зникає, я вражена. Дякую за рекомендацію ☀️
26 April 2024
Для очей найкращий варіант! Ми з чоловіком купуємо цей продукт не вперше. Зір покращується! Я майже перестала користуватися окулярами. У чоловіка перестали сльозитись очі. Раджу!
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